O Cosmedics SPF & 1skin Foundations

Did you know that we each have our own burn time? Let’s say when you go in the sun with no protection you burn in 5 minutes, this means when you apply SPF 30 (thirty times your 5-minute burn time) your total burn time is 150 minutes or 2.5 hours a day. After this time, no amount of SPF can protect you, no matter how many times you re-apply.

Think of it like cooking a chicken in the oven, when it’s cooked it’s cooked! If you take it out of the oven to cool and then put it back in, it will burn, just like your skin when your burn time is up. Perfect for all skins, ages and Fitzpatrick’s, Mineral Pro is a daily skin health non-negotiable.

A physical sunblock, creating a protective skin barrier while deflecting UVA and UVB rays, formulated with 21.5% Zinc Oxide, Kakadu Plum Extract, ideal as a primer under foundation and available in regular and tinted options, Mineral Pro is an O top seller and long-term fan favourite! Oh, and it feels and smells AMAZING!

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